Mid-Life Crisis at 23?

Disclosure: I know I owe you guys a part two to my last blog post, but I thought I should dedicate a post to you all learning about me instead of from me. I do not enjoy talking about myself, never have. Never felt the need to. Never seen the importance. Though I have a keen sense that I may not be alone in my current feelings..

At the ripe age of 6, I told my parents and family members, “No longer refer to me as Taisha, call me Dr. Williams”. I knew what I wanted to be, it was almost as instinctual as a snake craving mice. My destiny had yet to manifest though I always displayed the characteristics that could nurture such a future: calculated, caring, laid-back, excellent listening skills, etc.

At age 10, I made a list of goals set forth for the next 7 years. I also had made one for the next 25 years but I hadn’t really grasped what it meant to be an adult so I knew that one would change drastically. My 7 year plan, oh I was sure that one was solid and realistic. Its stated what assets I would have obtained, my employment status, and even my relationship status. Talk about an obsessive 10-year-old. 

As the years passed on, my life experienced such emotional and physical changes that I had not accounted for. Since forever I have been very soft-spoken and even severely passive in nature so I’d never cared to ask anyone what they thought of my plans. I’d never thought to ask if I needed to modify them accordingly. Adults to me were too busy worrying about real problems and kids didn’t understand my personality, let alone my level of psychological maturity. I just felt, “you can handle this on your own. You’re smart enough to figure it out.” That was my life’s mantra. I refused to ask for help because it made me feel weak or stupid or no one knew the answer anyways.

So now I’m 16 and life for me socially is at its peak. I have this great, huge group of female friends that I’m close to. For the first time in life I have a female best friend who has the exact same interests as me. For the first time in ever, I feel accepted by my fellow gender and it’s from me being myself. I’d never been a feminine chick. Hated dresses, hated skirts, 86 the makeup, definitely not carrying a purse. Hell, I had made an exception for skinny jeans and high heels because I liked how confident I was while wearing them, the exact opposite feeling I had while wearing that other stuff. My friends didn’t care if I wore any of that, they cared about the person I was on the inside. My list seemed to be coming to fruition with the exception of a few bullet points, my life was going as planned.

High school and it’s drama ensued yet life was still good. I had no outstanding beef, I had good grades, and i was coming into myself physically, I even got that huge Sweet 16 I wanted with an awesome profit. Though I wanted more. I was now 16 with no job and no boyfriend, just some filled out applications and crushes. No biggie, right?

Months pass and I finally get a job. I feel fulfilled. I would love to have my licence by now but this is good, for now. I’m making my own money and everything.

Later on that same year, I met my first official boyfriend right in time for the close out of my 7 year plan. He seemed right on time until I realized how much commitment didn’t suit me. I guess I had not accounted for that in my plan. After this year ended, my list should have been burned along with the “accomplishments” I had previously checked off.

Start of 2009 I lost my whole group of female friends, my relationship was dying, I had a new job where my boss hated me, my grades were mediocre, and I had no one to talk to except those who only wanted to talk about themselves. I had used myself up, spread myself thin, and had no one to pour into me what I had given away. My life goals list was just becoming more and more of a joke. I felt so unaccomplished that I went into what I would like to call an exclusive depression. I was depressed when I wanted to be, around who I wanted to be, and in complete silence. I had to get ready for my last year of high school though.

Thank God for the friends who never leave and who were holding me down the whole time because that school year was rough. I faked it until I made it. I graduated with distinction along with scholarships and choices. I really only wanted one. I was denied and the cycle of feeling like a failure started again. Still I found a way to re-evaluate my situation and found myself in Florida, Carbondale, and back home with numerous adventure to share.

My life to this point had been planned almost to a Tee and guess what? I could not have been more inaccurate about where I would be. Compared to my list, my life since 10 has been a series of unfortunate events. I have barely achieved my life’s worth. This is all true of course if I think of it as my 10-year-old self.

Early on in life it is embedded in our brains to follow this straight and narrow path of life or risk being unsuccessful or unworthy. I started to believe that I was both. 23 and no closer to my B.S. than I was 3 semesters ago (or so I felt). Back home with no real possessions of my own. Seeing my friends thriving and graduating. I made myself sick some days by worrying about where I wasn’t yet wanted to be, I’ve found myself completely hopeless.

All those things were because of that 10 year old’s unrealistic mindset that I was stuck in. That little girl was ambitious, but she could have never imagined the journey I have been taken on to get to THIS point. NEVER.

In the year 2014, I heard 3 separate “testimonies” of people who use to be me. People who used to be hopeless because they did not follow the traditional route of success that people thought that they should. People who didn’t have the guidance they so desperately yearned for. All I could think was, “God are you trying to prove a point or something? I don’t get it.”

Now I do. I’ve been so stressed and pressed about getting my degree as quickly as possible that I’ve been going about it the wrong way. I’ve been stretching myself too thin and not thinking about my NEEDS because it was clouded by what I know people WANT from me.

It is now 2015 and I am releasing myself from other’s and their expectations for my life. I want to go about things the way my Father has set forth, most importantly I want to know what me being a priority feels like. I’m leaving my “list of accomplishments” with my 10-year-old self and starting a mature journey with my 23-year-old self. This is not a “new year, new me” revelation. This is a “new year, finally about me” revelation.

To everyone who is depressed, hopeless, and ready to give up because society is telling you that you’re too old to not be a success: You are only as successful as the work you put into your goals. even if they do not manifest in the time you have allotted yourself to achieve them. 

If you enjoyed this, felt it was inspirational, or know someone in this position please click all of the buttons below or comment. Thank you.

-PSFABC signing off

Love & Social Media (Part 1)

Now we all love to take our “selfies” and tweet a thought or two a day, but where does a relationship fit into all of this? Is it okay to void you IG of your significant other? Is it okay to reply back to that DM? Should you accept that friend request from your ex? This is a two-part blog post. So first I will note the issues I have heard frequently or even felt myself.

  1. My boyfriend/girlfriend is always on their phone.
  2. They post a MCM/WCW that is NOT me, every week.
  3. I don’t like the comments he/she puts under other’s pictures.
  4. There are no mentions of me on their page.
  5. Why does this certain guy/girl keep liking/commenting/favoriting/retweeting their stuff?
  6. I don’t like the pictures they post for the public.
  7. Why don’t they tell me what they tell their follower/ Facebook friends?

Now to dissect each of these points and find out why they have become frequented concerns in the relationship realm:

My bf/gf is on their phone more than they’re on me!

Anything as mundane as virtually connecting with strangers would be a frustrating situation if you felt it was taking your place. In other words, anyone would be upset if their mate was replacing them with something as stupid as social networking. Attention is received as affection for most, if not all people. Attention shows you care; if that focus is heavily directed toward a social network (especially in your mate’s presence) you may be getting the side-eye AND cold shoulder.


Insta & Twitter are infamous for Mondays and Wednesdays blessed with timelines of handsome men and beautiful ladies. In the beginning it was for stans to highlight their celebrity obsession, now it’s for people we know (some who may even be someone else’s significant other). Mates like to be claimed and shown off to the world. They want the world to know how you feel about them.

Comment box corruption

It’s okay to pay a compliment to someone whom you feel deserves it, but when it crosses the line and gets inappropriate, the security of your relationship could be compromised.

Post if you love me

Love on display is something our generation thrives on. Even the most introverted need PDA. That;s all this is, virtual PDA. It’s a simple (or not) argument of “show the world how you love me behind closed doors” (of course keeping it PG-13). It signifies that you’re off the market to all single lurkers on your page.

Who is that?

You know those one or few people who you communicate with heavy on certain sites. They are cool, you comment and like things back and forth with them. To the outside world and maybe your bf/gf it may look like so much more. Flirting with danger can tarnish a golden bond.

Why did you post that?

I’m not sure who you all follow, but there is no shortage of half-naked people on my timelines. Even the ones who I’ve grown up with or celebs fresh out a photo shoot. Modesty is not very common in my generation. So seeing a guy or girl showing off their goods makes me believe they’re advertising something. Your mate may feel the same way about you.

Are you not telling me something?

You ever see that status your BFF made that was detailing such personal heartbreak and you wonder, “Why didn’t they just text or call me and talk to me about it?” Seems like they ran out of options of people to confide in so they just opted for anyone. To your mate, who is supposed to be your confidant, it comes off like your job is not being done. Seems like something is being hid.




We’re all young and trying to have fun (or not), but when it comes to a relationship in these days in time a lot of basic morals and regulations have been ignored or just plain eliminated. Only way to push through the problem while staying whole is to find the root of the damage and mend it. In the next post the solution to these “issues” will be discussed.

to be continued….

PSFABC signing off

A Letter to My Generation

Dear Generation ___________,

What can I say? So much, yet all this white space could not begin to hold enough words nor help me cover what I could say. So I’d like to give a few shoutouts.

Shout out:

To the Twitter/ Instagram chicks who don’t mind sharing some skin and losing all the dignity their ancestors fought for.

To the people who spend money on their kids getting them things they never had as a child and neglecting to give them the essentials (food, shelter, love, etc.) they actually were afforded in childhood.

To the dudes who think breast and booty will make her a good wife. A brain and ambition are definitely overrated, right?

To the KIDS who think that having a child together will make their bond stronger. Mom and dad are definitely pressed for you to have a kid they have to take care of since you aren’t old enough to obtain a work permit.

To all the girls who think putting “China” “Foreign” “Boss” “Bad (with two d’s)” or anything of that nature in their name will aid in making them just that.

To all of you who think skin tone makes you a different race or a better part of the race. Light and dark skin Black people are definitely two different races, I know.

To all of you who can name all of 2 Chainz’s songs but can’t recall the last time you passed a quiz with more than a 2%.

To all the girls on Twitter selling nudes for PayPal deposits.

To all the guys who impregnated a female and abandoned their seed. Just following in dad’s footsteps, huh?

To all the guys who take care of their girlfriend’s kids, but not their own.

To everyone who thinks money is God. If it’s not readily useful on earth it don’t matter, right?

To everyone who thinks being clingy in a relationship is cute. If they’re not ready to kill you over a text from a cousin of the opposite sex, they definitely don’t love you. RELATIONSHIP OVER.

To every male/female who looks over their significant other’s shoulder to get the password to their phone.

To all the rappers and singers who don’t need a 9-5 because they will get that single to Drake and he’ll do a feature one day.

To all the twerkers on Vine. Your morals have not been compromised, keep throwing it in a circle.

To all the 30-year-old grandparents who party with their kids, you’re still young, why not?

To all the dead beat fathers/mothers who want to make more kids and not provide for them.

To all the side chicks, he’ll leave her one day.

To all the Twitter/Instagram famous people who don’t have jobs but get paid in followers. Sometimes gum isn’t enough.

To all the people who take life advice from parody pages like they are the Holy Grail. Those posts are ALWAYS true.

To everyone who uses Facebook as a way to embellish their poor lifestyle.

To everyone who buys a new outfit just for Instagram.

To everyone who can’t hang out with their friends without texting the whole time.

AND last but not least, shoutout to the children who have living guardians that provide for them, yet the guardian(s) get treated like crap.


I’d be the first to say I am apart of this generation and a contributor to someone of these issues. I just want to start the trend of acknowledging there are some issues and actually wanting to read into them. It’s best that we start the changes right now so that OUR children won’t live in a society that is overwhelmed with nonsense and nothing but the choice of a distasteful lifestyle. WE HAVE TO DO BETTER.

Comment if anything bothers you about our generation.

Also, if you liked what you read, share this piece by clicking the buttons below and spread the love.

-PSFABC signing off

From the In-Zone to the “Friend Zone”





You would think that trust issues would be the biggest cock-blocker to the start of most relationships. It’s not. Apparently the “friend-zone” is the top reason. Having heard so many stories and instances of this mystical place, I was still not convinced it existed. The friend-zone to me was like Oz or Wonderland or the limit in a continuous function…DOES NOT EXIST. So being the scientist that I am, I decided to research. Seeing as though I have so many guy friends complaining, I asked them for some input. From that input, I made a definition.

Friend-Zone: Where you end up after the person you are romantically interested in comes to the conclusion that they are only interested in you for solely platonic reasons; Land of no return; etc.


Here are reasons that put you in the friend-zone with tips to get to the in-zone:


[Lack of confidence]

One of the most attractive traits a person can possess is confidence. When making a move on someone, whether male or female, approaching someone as if you already gained their attention can end up 1 of two ways: they will feel flattered and give you their number or smile, brush you off, and later tell their friends about their encounter. Oh and cocky and confident are related but not the same thing. Maintain a respectful approach.


[“Too nice”]

Nice guys finish last. No “nice guys” do not exist. Passive people exist though. As humans we base our lives off of routine, change is not instinctively inevitable in our minds. With that being said, if I’m used to treating you a certain way, I don’t expect it to change. You can be nice yet aggressive, though there is a thin line between polite and passive. Take from that what you may.


[Don’t make their mission known]

Don’t introduce yourself as trying to only be a friend. Though you can still be friendly. Listen to them, but keep boundaries. If you’re looking to date this person, let them know. Whether you let them know up front or subtly, let it be known. Otherwise they will talk to you about the person they are interested in and you become further removed from the equation as a love interest.


[Not attractive to the person being pursued]

Let’s face it, we are all shallow, different levels of shallow, shallow nonetheless.  We initially become interested in a person’s aesthetic values then later other attributes KEEP us interested. Though if you aren’t compatible, no set of pretty eyes will make you want to stay around.


Friendship is a cornerstone to a successful relationship but staying a friend won’t get you to the next level. Be daring enough to make the next move. Well not sure if this will help but if it does then more power to ya. Make that person see you as the sexual being you wish to be in their eyes and not that castrated, nonsexual being they see as just a friend.


-Pretty Sick Approved