A Letter to My Generation

Dear Generation ___________,

What can I say? So much, yet all this white space could not begin to hold enough words nor help me cover what I could say. So I’d like to give a few shoutouts.

Shout out:

To the Twitter/ Instagram chicks who don’t mind sharing some skin and losing all the dignity their ancestors fought for.

To the people who spend money on their kids getting them things they never had as a child and neglecting to give them the essentials (food, shelter, love, etc.) they actually were afforded in childhood.

To the dudes who think breast and booty will make her a good wife. A brain and ambition are definitely overrated, right?

To the KIDS who think that having a child together will make their bond stronger. Mom and dad are definitely pressed for you to have a kid they have to take care of since you aren’t old enough to obtain a work permit.

To all the girls who think putting “China” “Foreign” “Boss” “Bad (with two d’s)” or anything of that nature in their name will aid in making them just that.

To all of you who think skin tone makes you a different race or a better part of the race. Light and dark skin Black people are definitely two different races, I know.

To all of you who can name all of 2 Chainz’s songs but can’t recall the last time you passed a quiz with more than a 2%.

To all the girls on Twitter selling nudes for PayPal deposits.

To all the guys who impregnated a female and abandoned their seed. Just following in dad’s footsteps, huh?

To all the guys who take care of their girlfriend’s kids, but not their own.

To everyone who thinks money is God. If it’s not readily useful on earth it don’t matter, right?

To everyone who thinks being clingy in a relationship is cute. If they’re not ready to kill you over a text from a cousin of the opposite sex, they definitely don’t love you. RELATIONSHIP OVER.

To every male/female who looks over their significant other’s shoulder to get the password to their phone.

To all the rappers and singers who don’t need a 9-5 because they will get that single to Drake and he’ll do a feature one day.

To all the twerkers on Vine. Your morals have not been compromised, keep throwing it in a circle.

To all the 30-year-old grandparents who party with their kids, you’re still young, why not?

To all the dead beat fathers/mothers who want to make more kids and not provide for them.

To all the side chicks, he’ll leave her one day.

To all the Twitter/Instagram famous people who don’t have jobs but get paid in followers. Sometimes gum isn’t enough.

To all the people who take life advice from parody pages like they are the Holy Grail. Those posts are ALWAYS true.

To everyone who uses Facebook as a way to embellish their poor lifestyle.

To everyone who buys a new outfit just for Instagram.

To everyone who can’t hang out with their friends without texting the whole time.

AND last but not least, shoutout to the children who have living guardians that provide for them, yet the guardian(s) get treated like crap.


I’d be the first to say I am apart of this generation and a contributor to someone of these issues. I just want to start the trend of acknowledging there are some issues and actually wanting to read into them. It’s best that we start the changes right now so that OUR children won’t live in a society that is overwhelmed with nonsense and nothing but the choice of a distasteful lifestyle. WE HAVE TO DO BETTER.

Comment if anything bothers you about our generation.

Also, if you liked what you read, share this piece by clicking the buttons below and spread the love.

-PSFABC signing off

4 thoughts on “A Letter to My Generation

  1. I like how you wrote this
    We are all part of the problem, I know I don’t help around the house like I should and I get away with it my parents are too nice to really say anything about it.
    Also our culture is so focused on glamor, and if I’m not mistaken, glamor’s root word means fake, illusion, or fantasy or some combo of those. Do we really want a glamorous culture?

    Liked by 1 person

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